Non-Profit 2023, 2024

After long preparations, in the end of 2023 finally I travelled to Bagamoyo Tanzania and built up a collaboration with RATA School, supported by RAFIKI RANI NGO from Denmark. This is a secondary school giving students a chance of high-quality education. The elaborated...

Project Review 2023, 2024

Aurix TriCore Debugging Solution Furthermore we have been developing an Aurix TriCore debugger based on the TCF protocol. The project attracted the interest of bug chip vendors and we are happy to see CTO of HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH announcing their IDE to contain a...

We are Zero Day, We have Vision

As noted within my previous post it was quite a process to associate myself with Zero Day and to establish this vision. Nevertheless, here we are:   We Are: A group of skilled IT Sec and Software enthuisiasts sharing the love to hack things, secure things,...

From IT Sec Hippie to CEO

As an introduction to this blog I want to share my first steps with Zero Day. While I was attached to computer science and cyber security quite early in my life and turned out to be quite talented with it, I started my career a few years back and had the luck to gain...