We are Zero Day, We have Vision

As noted within my previous post it was quite a process to associate myself with Zero Day and to establish this vision. Nevertheless, here we are:   We Are: A group of skilled IT Sec and Software enthuisiasts sharing the love to hack things, secure things,...

From IT Sec Hippie to CEO

As an introduction to this blog I want to share my first steps with Zero Day. While I was attached to computer science and cyber security quite early in my life and turned out to be quite talented with it, I started my career a few years back and had the luck to gain...

Automotive Software Cyber Security Threats

Automotive and embedded systems are becoming targets of hackers and cyber-attacks more and more every year. Automotive owners are increasingly connected to their vehicles through their phones, USB devices or via digital means. This means, that a hacker who gains access to the vehicle now has access to many other areas of your customer’s digital life.